yet another tiny digital corner

Being yourself

“ I tried and failed a few times at starting a “blog” / website. Though I could probably point to a few reasons why those projects never took off, I think the root cause was ultimately me writing for someone else, rather than just for myself.  - Mike Sass via shellsharks.com” I totally agree with Mike Sass' thoughts on blogging. I've had several blogs in the past and always ended up abandoning them for lack of motivation. I was blogging for other people, not for myself. Now I post more personal stuff than in the past (quotes, links, services I like,...

My JOMO journey

I've recently realised that over the past few years I've been on a JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) journey without even being aware of it. I gave up Instagram and Facebook a few years ago, and I've been off Twitter for a while. I started being more interested in blogging and I'm enjoyng doing long walks as much as I can. I'm not off the grid because I've replaced algorithm-based social networks with other fediverse alternatives like Mastodon, Pixelfed and Lemmy. Micro.blog has also played a big part in helping me get off the big tech platforms. Being away from...

Why you can blog semi-anonymously

Having your "www.fullname.com" blog should normally be the first choice for your professional / company blog. But you can also think about opening a semi-anonimous blog where to post thoughts and ideas that you don't want to be directly related to yourself. A place where you can feel to be more free than your official blog. A place where you can post what you want when you want. A place that's completely yours. Disclaimer: please remember that opening a semi-anonimous blog does not mean you are fully anonimous. So please respect the laws and the others.

How to follow a Mastodon user with RSS

Following social networks is not easy, sometimes there is a lot of 'background noise' in timelines that leads to distraction and that you would like to avoid. Using an RSS feed reader can be a good choice, but how do you follow a Mastodon user? It is very simple! The URL of the feed is: [instance address]/users/[username].rss or .atom So, for example, if you add the following address to your feed reader: https://mastodon.social/users/gargron.rss You will get all the Gargron user toots on the mastodon.social instance.

Using AI for blogging is alienating

Recently I've tried to give to Gemini and Copilot some blog post prompts in order to evaluate the result. Unsurprisingly I found the resulting texts to be correct but completely lacking of human touch. A sort of copy and paste from several resources. Yes, you can ask in the prompt to be more or less polite, but the final writings seemed to me quite clumpsy. Since English is not my mother tongue I've found them useful for checking grammar or words, but nothing more. AI can probably be useful for "official / corporate blogs", but please stay away from them...

🧠 curated by prealpinux